Mascot Gaming Pet Chat

Jul 25, 2023

The first thing that comes to a gambler’s mind when coming across the name “Mascot Gaming” is the portfolio of not-notch quality interactive video slots. Although this is true, there’s another important thing about Mascot: our unconditional love towards animals, shown through various Mascot game titles.

The company has demonstrated its devotion and love for animals time and again. We believe that pets are more than simply animals; they become family members when living with us. Pets have the unique ability to make homes happier and safer places to live in; they bring joy to our daily lives and teach us to love unconditionally. Besides, for many people, pets have become more than simply companions. They are inseparable helpers trained to assist disabled people. Such pets, primarily dogs, perform many tasks to ease their owners’ daily chores.

Another important thing that a pet rewards its family is emotional support. Whether you have mental health issues or simply feel blue at the moment, your pet’s love and presence can help you cope with the situation more easily.

So, our philosophy is that every pet can serve as a mascot to their human friend somehow. We also believe that our love for animals at Mascot Gaming has bonded our team. We visit and donate to shelters for stray animals, participate in dedicated charities and events, and do our best to increase awareness about animal welfare problems. We have also created a line of pet merch, an absolute blast at the Sigma Malta event that took place in November last year.

So, you may wonder why a casino game-developing company (even if it has a series of Mascot game titles devoted to pets) has posted an article dedicated to animals. You see, there is a general group chat where all Mascot employees can engage in non-duty-related discussions. Everything went smoothly until one of the group members shared a photo of their pet. That photo was life-changing! The conversation instantly turned into an enthusiastic discussion about pets, animals, their welfare, etc. The company’s working activity was completely paralyzed! Around 70 employees were involved in the chat, sharing stories and images of their own pets, making it a fun break away from the daily work!

This might seem not an important topic for you to read about. Still, for us, the Mascot Gaming group, it signified the unity of our entire team, the shared passion towards animals, and the success of the company’s work culture as such!