Music in Slot Development

Oct 21, 2023

Mascot Gaming is not only famous for its quality graphics and awesome features but also for outstanding music. We take huge pride in our music production and all the accomplishments this field brought us. Music in our slot games has earned us recognition and applause from respected media outlets and industry experts. In addition, even some of our competitors, of course in a modest tone, acknowledge that our team has got something special going on when it comes to creating unique game soundtracks.

Now, you may probably imagine a huge team of professional composers, sound designers, a few people for mastering, and a small group of assistants behind this success. But actually, it all comes from the creativity and experience of one composer: Mr. Max Shulgin. He is the musical genius responsible for all the prizes, awards, and accolades when it comes to music background in our slot machines. That's why people usually call him a "one-man band."

Max has been creating music for over two decades, and he humbly notes: "Of course, experience is vital. I have a rich experience in active listening first and creating different styles myself later."

Inspiration can come in various forms, but as we noted in our previous articles, visual and sound libraries are crucial for any artist specializing in slot game design. Max notes, "I've got at least five synthesizers, not to mention a heap of other equipment, a vast collection of libraries, and an array of plug-ins during the creative process, plus external analog processing during mixing and mastering. Thus, music doesn't just create itself."

Producing the one and the best soundtrack requires not only inspiration and skills but also unwavering dedication. The ultimate goal should be to enhance the player's experience.

As Max says: " We don't want the player to get bored while playing. If the player mutes the sound, then it's my loss. The key is doing it sincerely. Otherwise, it's just another tune."

Each tune becomes a reality after hours of researching and experimenting with different equipment as well as personal experience. 

"I was greatly inspired by Tolkien when working on music for our slot game, For the Realm, since it's a game featuring the theme of elves and goblins. Movie soundtracks can also be helpful, but I'd rather you don't get carried away with it, as you can end up copying instead of getting inspired."

Even though some can be like a double espresso, the most significant challenge is to continue pushing forward. According to Max, procrastination is an essential part of composing music. Distractions are all around, even if you feel you are on the verge of crafting something unique and non-ordinary.

His advice to other music producers is simple but profound: "Be prepared for hard work. Don't rush the creative process, as it will end up becoming an amateur soundtrack. Sometimes, masterpieces are created within several hours. However, it happens once in a million chances. Mascot's music is created by skillful professionals for game enthusiasts with intelligence, passion, and, of course, masterful skills. Be dedicated and respect your work. That means investing your time and effort into it."